Posted on November 12, 2020
When doing a breast augmentation, what are questions other than the general questions (board certification, how to pick a surgeon, how many have you done? etc).
- HOW DO YOU HELP US PICK BREAST SIZE? Do you try on sizers? take photos? use Vectra 3D imaging? I believe strongly not in saying “ABCD” , but in trying on breast sizing implants. We do this in the office, and then I send you home with the rice test, so you can “test drive” the size. I have found sizing implants are much more accurate than Vectra imaging photos or patients bringing in photos of “breasts they like.” Do not go by what your friends have done. Every body is different. Height, weight, curviness, natural tissue amounts all vary, which changes how much implant your body can take. BLOGS ON SIZE.
- HOW DO YOU PICK AN IMPLANT TYPE? There are tons of different types of implants. They vary not just in volume, but in the profile of the implant, the fill of the implant, the firmness of the silicone gel in the implant. For this, many of us do measurements of your chest to help figure out the best width and projection of the implant. It is hard to understand exactly what your surgeon does, but if you like their photos, they are likely going to make good choices for you. (low-medium-high profile, gel vs. saline, textured vs smooth, etc) See blogs on cohesiveness HERE and profile HERE.
- DO YOU HAVE IMAGING? I have a Vectra 3D camera, which shows a 3D image of your breasts and tries to simulate what things would look like with the implants. Take this with a grain of salt, but I have found it useful to give you another perspective.
- DO YOU HAVE PHOTOS? Look at these. Make sure you share the same aesthetic with your surgeon. Do you like natural? hoochie mama? It’s important to think about how you want to look.
- WHAT DO YOU DO TO PREVENT CAPSULAR CONTRACTURE? DO YOU USE A KELLER FUNNEL? These are “behind the scene things” which have a real impact on your results and need for future surgery. If you have no idea what I am talking about, do some reading before you meet with your doctor. I think there are many things you can do to prevent capsular contracture and biofilm. What incision do you use, do you put it below the muscle, do you use a triple antibiotic irrigation or betadine, etc. For some blogs on why this is important click HERE.