Posted on June 14, 2021
So I just read an article about how vibration was better than numbing cream or icing prior to doing filler and Botox injections. But why would it work?
What causes pain?
- There are 3 psychological dimensions: Sensory (intensity and location), Motivational affect (unpleasantness), and Cognitive (cultural values and context).
- Some pain hits you fast- the sensory / location part
- Some pain hits you slower- the “arousal” of pain, which is in slow conducting systems
- And you can use your “mind” to exert control over all of it.
So why would vibration work?
There is a theory called the “gate theory.” Gate theory states there are gates for nerve input. And when you use a nonpainful input (like vibration) it “closes the gates” when a painful input comes along, prohibiting you from feeling the pain.
They state that the greater the large diameter fiber- touch, pressure, vibration- the better it lessens pain.