Menopause and estrogen. What to do studies show on the skin effect? Journal time.

Posted on March 8, 2022

I’m a tad obsessed with this right now. “Estrogens and aging skin” is a 2013 publication I am looking at, which is in the weeds of the nitty gritty, published in the Journal of Dermato-Endocrinology.

“Menopause and Skin Aging” had some super interesting facts cited from other studies. Please take this all with a grain of salt. If you see enough scientific publications, you know these are complex issues. But I am trying to suss out what the changes are, and what the treatments can be, what the treatments do if anything, and how to apply those treatments. This journal article was a metanalysis of what studies are out there.

They state many of the effects of estrogen on aging are seen by comparing post menopausal women who took estrogen replacement vs. those who did not.


My thoughts?

Pretty compelling. This doesn’t answer my other questions- what level is okay? when do you start? topical vs oral? breast cancer risks? blood clotting risks? But there are numerous studies with biopsies and evaluations showing objective differences.

Stay tuned for more.