I discovered a new term yesterday. Pay for play.
I am a doctor. I am not a marketer. I had a friend in town yesterday who runs a PR firm. As we were chatting, she asked me what I was doing to promote my practice.
I answered I am doing a blog. I have a facebook fan page. My blog titles are posted on twitter and facebook. (I’m thinking- HEY! Look how good I’m doing!) She had many areas where she thought I could expand, and then she asked “Why don’t you write for magazines? Do a spot on a TV show? You have a great voice and unique perspective.” I replied, because I don’t want to pay for it. “Pay for what?” And I told her most magazines who approach me to write an article or be featured ask for me to pay for production costs or ad space. (Did you know the doctors featured in magazines and tv spots on the best of your town paid to be those doctors?)
And then she taught me the term “pay for play.”
She was upset. “Where is journalism integrity? How can they be objective?” In her field people write articles about innovation and leaders because they are seeking those with insight, information, and vision. Somehow in medicine, which I would think should be squeaky clean in this area, magazines and tv programs frequently make up shows which feature a doctor which the doctor has paid for. Many of these look less like infomercials, and more like true journalism.
Maybe I belong in the 1950s. I cling to my ideals. Shouldn’t someone want to interview me or have me write a column because they think I am honest? insightful? a fresh voice and perspective? a good doctor and (hopefully) good writer?
But it hit me in the face today. A magazine I get features a different doctor on its cover every month. Stupid me thought they were finding the neat, creative bents of different doctors around the country. “Lauren Greenberg MD. Please enter into the competition to be featured in December 2010 magazine! Please submit your form and the two reasons why you are uniquely successful!”
I was so excited! Finally, a magazine featuring doctors for their accomplishments and insights! I typed furiously about how I think I can offer a unique perspective being a mother of three children, living through pregnancies and breastfeeding changes, balancing work and motherhood…. and how I am old school- I have no nurses or patient coordinators. I see all of my patients at every visit, really try to get to know them and understand their goals, blah blah blah.
And then I saw it. I had to “click you have read here to submit your answer.”
So I clicked the link. “If you are chosen, would you want a 2 page, 3 page, or 4 page interview spotlight?” And the costs were listed next to them.
UG. Pay for play again.
If anyone out there wants to interview me for their blog or magazine, have me as a guest on their national TV show or local TV access show I’d be happy to do so. I will debunk myths of plastic surgery, talk about when people should or shouldn’t consider it, and share stories. I won’t charge you for my time. I will be honest and intelligent in my answers. But I don’t want to pay- it colors the reporting and ultimately the truth of what is presented.
I want to believe integrity still exists. It is how I run my practice. I want to believe society and journalism still cling to a shred of it as well. I hope someone out there pleasantly surprises me.