Posted on June 9, 2011
Board certified.
It is a loaded statement. I have done many blogs on Board Certification:
- choose a plastic surgeon you can trust.
- Who is a real plastic surgeon?
- Which boards are real?
- Who is doing your lipo? most likely not a real plastic surgeon.
- Woman almost bleeds to death: surgery by nonplastic surgeon
There is legislation in multiple states right now to address this issue. Over the 2011 session, 20 states are looking at bills to require truth in advertising. Many patients feel misled by doctors who call themselves plastic surgeons and are “board certified”, but they are boarded and did residencies in dermatology, family practice, etc.
- In Nevada, legislation SB 367 requires health care providers to disclose their license type, their highest academic degrees, and their medical specialty certifying board information.
- In Louisian SB 152 would allow physicians to use the term board certified under very speciific citeria: stating the full name of the approved medical board. (see my blog about the “cosmetic surgery board”)
- Minnesota, SB 707 requires physicians to disclose their specialty board certification in any advertising.