Posted on May 11, 2016
I just got back from Las Vegas, where I spent 4 days in meetings and courses seeing the latest and greatest in cosmetic aesthetic surgery.
I will be writing blogs, but the overall messages are ones I advocate already:
FAT TRANSFER. Fat is the liquid gold.
- In addition to the microfat transfer I am already doing, I will be starting nanofat transfer. For nanofat we will utilize the stem cells for the very superficial wrinkles in the skin. Amazing results.
- Fat transfer to shape the buttocks. Furthering the principles of shaping your backside.
- I found out why BRAVA is not available.
- As you know, biofilm is a huge issue for the cause of capsular contracture. Seems everyone is now on this bandwagon I joined 4 years ago.
- Textured anatomic shaped implants have good and bad. Interesting studies and discussion on this.
- new treatments for fat in the chin/ neck with Kybella (I have done my training!). A simple injection and the fat melts away.
- new way to treat some cellulite dimples with Cellfina.
Keep reading. I will update you with blogs in the future.