Institute of Medicine guidelines for weight gain in pregnancy

Posted on February 23, 2011

The institute of medicine is widely recognized as setting guidelines for pregnancy.  The last time they revised their estimates was in 1990.  Since then the obesity epidemic has boomed.  Kathleen Rasmussen, ScD, PhD, and IOM committee chairwoman expressed ”during pregnancy many women gain substantially more than we would like.”  The new guidelines are similar to the past, but now the obese women have an upper limit.  No one should lose weight while pregnant.

So what is the magic answer?

First, figure out your BMI.  Body mass index.   weight (pounds) / [height (ininches)]2 x 703.  For those who don’t want to do the math, go to the calculator here:  This is a fairly reliable way of figuring out body “fatness” in most people. It doesn’t directly measure your fat, but research has shown BMI correlates with accurate measurements of body fat.

What are the categories?


SO. the IOM guidelines?


If you are pregnant with ONE child:

If you are pregnant with TWINS :

So most likely,  to do this, you need to eat basically what is your normal.  Exercise.  Don’t think of this time as “eating for two.”  If you do, in addition to gaining more weight than you should (which leads to a host of other issues), you will be hurting your body’s ability to bounce back after pregnancy.  Trust me- as a plastic surgeon, I see it all the time.