Posted on November 17, 2020
When doing a tummy tuck, what are questions other than the general questions (board certification, how to pick a surgeon, how many have you done? see photos, etc)
- HOW DO YOU HELP WITH PAIN CONTROL? This is an area where people differ, and I use an injectable called Exparel which I love. It helps reduce the need for oral pain medication like opioids and valium, helps so you can go home after surgery, and the reduction in pain reduces your risk for blood clots because you are more mobile. BLOG
- DO I NEED A MINI TUMMY TUCK OR FULL TUMMY TUCK? Some people don’t need a full tummy tuck. Your surgeon should be able to walk you through what they recommend and why.
- DO YOU USE PROGRESSIVE TENSION / QUILTING SUTURES? This is something I do, which helps reduce the risk for seroma (a fluid collection under the skin), reduces time for drains, and takes tension off the scar, which makes prettier scars.
- DO YOU USE DRAINS? Some docs don’t use drains if they do tons of progressive tension sutures. I still use a drain, because I tend to liposuction with tummy tucks, to sculpt the flanks, pubic area, and inner thigh as needed. There is a tradeoff- for the docs who do tons of quilting sutures it extends the OR time, and there is a cost and increased risk from the longer OR time. I try to do the happy medium between the two.
- DO YOU DO LIPOSUCTION? As I stated above, I think almost all patients need some liposuction to sculpt. Though I do have some super thin patients who do not need it.
- HOW TIGHT DO YOU MAKE THE SKIN? This is something you don’t get to see, but during your surgery we bend the OR table, so we can cut out extra skin as we know the skin will stretch. How much you bend the table differs- some doctors have you sitting almost upright, where others flex to 45 degrees or 30 degrees. My thoughts? I think you can tighten too much. I have seen patients who can’t stand up straight for months after surgery, their pubic area is distorted, new stretch marks formed, and other issues from being bent too much. Again, happy medium here.
- HOW DO YOU REPAIR THE DIASTASIS? I do a multiple layered closure with interrupted permanent sutures. I explain why in my blog HERE.
- DO YOU FIX HERNIAS? Many women get a small hernia at the belly button. I usually fix these during a tummy tuck.
- DO YOU NEED A GENERAL SURGEON TO FIX A HERNIA? I do almost all the hernia repairs. We train as general surgeons before we do plastic surgery. If it is a tricky or complex hernia, it is something to consider. Otherwise, it may increase complexity and cost.
- DO YOU USE MESH? I almost never need to. I have a whole blog specifically on this topic. HERE.
- WILL INSURANCE COVER MY SURGERY? Alas, usually not. If you have a hernia, (not diastasis), they may cover part of the surgical cost. See my blogs on the subject HERE