Breast implant revision surgery. What should I think about?

Posted on September 7, 2010

Unlike diamonds, breast implants don’t last forever.

My general advice for implants is if “it ain’t broke don’t fix it.”  If you have a small issue- one side looks a hair different than the other, one nipple is a hair different- those are difficult things to fix.  Implants are tricky things and your body is even trickier.  No one is symmetric.  The forces on your implants and healing are not symmetric.  (Do you carry your purse/baby/backpack always on one side? Do you sleep on one side? Are you right handed? Left? Do you sleep on your tummy? How good are your bras? Do you golf? play tennis? jog?)

So let’s say you have a medium to bigger issue.  What would that be? Asymmetry, bottoming out, implant migration, capsular contracture, size issue, or droop.  Then a breast revision makes more sense.

When you replace breast implants, what you do varies.  Things you need to think about:

Do you want to

Usually breast revision surgery and/ or implant exchange is one procedure.  We remove the old implants, do what we need to do, and then place new implants.