Can I redo a breast lift? If I do one now, does that make it harder in the future?

Posted on March 7, 2025

This blog topic is to answer a question from a patient who I did a breast augmentation on a few years ago. Fastforward over a decade, two babies, and a bunch of breast feeding, she now wants to revisit her breasts. Maybe a little larger? Maybe lift?

Her question to me: “If I go with the lift option, does that make it harder for me to do a lift later on? I’m assuming I’ll get old and have even saggier boobs than I do now, at which point I’ll want a lift. I just want to make sure I’m not setting myself up for a harder boob situation to fix later.”

Great question and thoughts.

My answer?

So the choice is yours. Yes, sadly as you age you should expect that you will get older (but older women are the bomb!) and your breasts will sag, particularly with the changes around menopause. But the biggest hit to breasts tends to be major weight changes, pregnancy, and breast feeding. Those are behind you. Doing two lifts is not a common thing. Know that if you want to redo the lift you can.