Coronavirus and elective surgery. More things to think about. oxygen saturation, clots, presurgical testing, when you start to prepare.

Posted on April 29, 2020

I belong to two societies for Board Certified Plastic Surgeons. One is ASPS, our general society. The other is the Aesthetic Society. Both have come out with recommendations for elective surgery in the time of Covid 19. The Aesthetic Society just came out with their sample consent form. I already published a consent from the ASPS, but I write this blog because the Aesthetic Society consent was more detailed.

Perhaps because the Aesthetic Society is geared toward elective cosmetic surgery, not medically necessary surgeries like breast cancer reconstruction, they had more details on what to do before surgery to make sure you are safe, and they focused on your personal responsibility as a patient to make sure you are safe. They advocate for 14 days of sequestering. They emphasize you must comply with your doctor’s orders (masks, hygiene, distancing, testing.) And they emphasize you must be honest. This is NOT a time to make a “little white lie.”

There is a lot of hubbub in the news of people thinking Coronavirus isn’t dangerous or people are overreacting. For elective plastic surgery, I believe you must err on caution. Why?

Some excerpts from the consent are listed below.

I don’t bring all of this up to be overly protective, or political, or anything other than to MAKE SURE YOU & MY COWORKERS ARE SAFE. If you feel the protocol we are going to follow is too restrictive, then please do not have surgery with me. I, as your plastic surgeon, am going to do everything I possibly can to make sure you have a safe, boring, uneventful surgery.



To reduce the possibility of COVID-19 exposure or transmission at my Doctor’s office, I accept that my Doctor will implement infection-control procedures with which I must comply, before, during and after my consultation and/or procedure, for my own protection as well as that of my Doctor. I understand my cooperation is mandatory, whether or not I personally feel such COVID-19 procedures and/or preventive measures are necessary.

I have informed my Doctor of any COVID-19 testing I or any person living with me during the past 14 days has received, as well as the results of that testing, and if I am tested between now and the date of my procedure, I will immediately provide the results of that testing to my Doctor. I understand my Doctor may require that I be tested, possibly at my own expense and regardless of any prior testing, and that the results of that testing must be satisfactory to my Doctor, before I may receive my procedure.

I confirm neither I nor any individual living with me has any of the COVID-19 symptoms listed by the Centers for Disease Control, which website I have consulted; neither I nor any individual living with me during the past 14 days has experienced any such symptoms; and that I and all persons living with me for the past 14 days have practiced all personal hygiene, social distancing and other COVID-19 recommendations contained within all governmental orders issued by my city and state. I understand I must honestly disclose this information to avoid putting myself and others at risk.