I love science. Many times when there is a study or journal article, there will be a different doctor who will do a critique and discussion after the article. This is what happened in the April 2014 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal in relation to Dr. Khouri “Discussion: Aesthetic Applications of BRAVA assisted Megavolume Transfer.”
Basically the discussion highlighted how plastic surgeons are innovators (they have been for years: microsurgery, tissue engineering, flaps), and how structural fat grafting is the new fronteir.
“The basic concepts of this novel and revolutionary technique represent a major step forward in the field of tissue engineering.”
His points, which I think are good ones, follow.
- Making the results reproducible so the average plastic surgeon can get the same result
- This would involve clincial and basic research
- Make a database, with a multicenter trial
- The specific BRAVA device is being used “off label.” Publish additional studies to allow approval. (I was part of the IRB to try to do this)
- The current BRAVA device is cumbersome. Designing a more comfortable device with optimal waveforms and suction parameters. (my patients understand this one! trying to shorten the duration of use and making it more effective.)
- Educating radiologists and other clinicians about this technique so oil cysts and small areas of fat necrosis are properly diagnosed and treated
- Make optimal coding and reimbursement for insurance cases (mostly breast cancer reconstruction)