France just banned textured breast implants.

Posted on April 11, 2019

The New York Times, April 5 , 2019 published an article that “France is First to Ban Breast Implants Linked to Rare Cancer.” It is thought Canada and the Netherlands are soon to follow.

This is real.

What you should know:

See the NYT article HERE.

If you can read French, and want to see the original article, click HERE

What do I think?

Read my prior blog on ALCL here. I went in depth into the issues. For American women, by far the most popular implant used in the United States is a smooth walled implant. The ALCL has been found with textured implants only and is super rare.  Every plastic surgeon is different, but in my practice I use textured implants maybe once or twice a year, in very specific patients for very specific reasons. And again, the incidence of ALCL is super low, with 130 reported cases and 550,000 implants going in each year.