How durable is a breast implant? Could you run it over in a car?

Posted on September 15, 2010

I am asked frequently, “How durable are breast implants?”  Their worry? Will it break if I do a mammogram, get in a car accident, parachute jump, body slam, bear hug from Aunt Gertie, or my significant other is on top of me?

Breast implants are durable creatures.  You can push, prod, pull , squeeze with little effect.  Eventually, the shell does weaken and something will push it over the top to leak.  How strong they are is hard to quantitate… sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.  My breast implant rep sent me a link to this video. I love it.

A colleague of mine from residency at Stanford did this.  He is in Newport Beach.

I think saline implants are durable too- I have only had a handful of women come back in the 10 year warranty period.

So. as my blog title inspires me to write in Dr. Seussisms (can you tell I have children?)

  1. you can push them here and there, you can push them anywhere.
  2. you can push them pretty far, you can run over them over in a car!
  3. you can sting them with a bee, you can knock them with a knee!
  4. they are so strong, so strong you see.

Check out the video.