Thinning hair & hair loss. What are the options?

Posted on February 8, 2022

This will be an ongoing topic, as all of us get thinner hair as we age. If I just look at the number of women I know with hair extensions, you know how pervasive the issue is. (And I loved reading Mindy Kaling’s book, where she states how everyone in Hollywood “including the corpse in a murder scene” has hair extensions.) So if you feel more bald than the women around you, know there is a reason.

I AM NOT GIVING YOU MEDICAL ADVICE. I think hair care is a little bit in the realm of fringe science. There are for sure things which help, but it is hard for me to find any hard science on some of these things, particularly the supplements.

What are your options?

First make sure it isn’t a medical issue. Thyroid and autoimmune are common ones.

Second, know hair thins with age, especially after the lovely *menopause*.

Third, know it takes TIME to see any changes. Take a photo of your hair before you start and then make yourself a reminder to check in 3-4 months.

And know there can be side effects. It can cause hair growth where you don’t want it, decreased libido, and other changes.

My thoughts?

This is one I am interested in. As I find out more, I will blog. For sure things which increase blood flow to the scalp and blood flow perfusion are good. For sure trying to address some of the hormone issues are good for hair thinning, but remember there are other things you are tinkering with- for instance when you go on an anti-testosterone, it can decrease your libido among other things. I have seen caps which use lights to try to dilate your blood vessels in your scalp.

I will keep looking. It’s a tough one. Hair extensions, wigs, and hats are not going away anytime soon.