As I write this blog, it is almost exactly like the last one I wrote. Celebrex study? check. Double blinded study in breast augmentation patients? check. Does it work to lower opioid use? check. This study continued the use of Celebrex for the first week post operatively.
This was a study out of the Aesthetic Surgery Journal in 2006, “Celecoxib Reduces Narcotic Use and Pain Following Augmentation Mammaplasty.”
- 100 patients
- Randomly assigned to Celecoxib or opioid.
- If Celecoxib, they took 400 mg orally 1 hour prior to surgery, and then a dose each morning following surgery in addition to opioid use.
- No increase in bleeding or capsular contracture rate
- Significant reduction in total narcotic use
- Average reported pain during the 7 day postop period was significantly less
My thoughts?
This is the SECOND journal article I have read on this subject circa 2005/2006. It is now 15 years later, and if this is so good, why is it not the standard? I am just not getting it. Perhaps it is a money thing, and Celebrex is just $$$. But 15 years later, maybe it is coming off patent? Or perhaps it is a bleeding thing. I will keep digging, but I am super interested.
I would love to get patients off narcotics after surgery. The dopiness, constipation, addiction, respiratory depression. I would love a good alternative.