Women surgeons in their 50s have lowest operative mortality rates. Journal time!

Posted on October 7, 2022

For those of you with short attention spans, let me cut to the chase: Older surgeons have lower mortality rates, and WOMEN SURGEONS 50-59 HAVE THE LOWEST RATES OF EVERYONE.

This is a banner moment for me, as I am *ahem* a woman in that group.

So the study. This was in the British Medical Journal 2018, “Age and sex of surgeons and mortality of older surgical patients: observational study.”



My favorite conclusions of theirs?

Female surgeons aged 50-59 years having the lowest operative mortality across all groups. This was a big study, with big numbers. It is nice to know experience matters. It also echoes a JAMA study HERE which showed lower complications for women having surgery with a woman surgeon.

The differences are small, but love to see this. You go girls. #ilooklikeasurgeon #surgeonmoms