A recent Plastic Surgery Magazine reiterated the ALCL stats. By the numbers.
1 : 30,000. This is the risk of ALCL for women with textured implants. (no cases reported in patients with smooth implants)
126. This is the number of confirmed patients with breast implant associated ALCL.
550,000. This is how many breast implants are placed each year. (!!)
12.7%. This is the percentage of the implants placed each year which are textured.
93%. At 3 years follow up, 93% of breast implant associated ALCL patients are disease free. Optimal treatment is total capsulectomy, removal of mass, and chemo if there are metastasis to lymph nodes or organs.
9. Number of deaths from breast implant associated ALCL. None of these patients had complete surgical excision, none received targeted therapy, and most were delayed in diagnosis. (1-2 years after onset of symptoms)
1,400. People with ALCL. Only a small subset of these are breast implant related.