Mammograms and breast implants. Do implants affect mammograms? YES. Cancer risk? No.

Posted on August 5, 2020

When doing breast augmentation, know breast implants do have an effect on mammograms. Why do you care? The rate of breast cancer in the US is 1 in 8 (so 12.5% of all women will get breast cancer during their lifetime). Mammograms are still the gold standard for finding breast cancers. And there was a study which showed years ago a delay in breast cancer discovery in women with implants (HERE).

So when doing my recent CME, one of the answers was discussing this issue, and I thought it beared repeating here.

Does the position of the implant in front of the muscle (subglandular) or behind the muscle (subpectoral) matter?

Does capsular contracture affect your visualization of the breast on mammogram?

Do you need additional views on mammogram when you have implants?

Do you have a different breast cancer survival rate if you do / do not have implants?

Do patients with implants have a higher risk for getting breast cancer?