Chin filler in younger (read 30s!) patients. Journal time!

Posted on November 5, 2021

woman in poolThe chin and jawline are important for facial harmony. Totally unrelated to me, my daughter did a middle school science fair project on Fibonacci and the golden ratio of the face. She took photos of random women at Stanford mall (with their consent) seeing if their proportions adhere to this golden standard. It frequently did not. And when it faltered where was the issue?

In the chin.

The length of the lower face was often too short.  Subconsciously I had been treating this for years when I do facial fat transfer. When I evaluate my results, I am building back up the chin. And when you add volume to the chin, the jawline and neckline improves. Fast forward to today, where I found an article out of the September 2021 Aesthetic Surgery Journal, “Nonsurgical Redefinition of the Chin and Jawline of Younger Adults with a Hyaluronic Acid Filler: Results Evaluated With a Grid System Approach.”

They discuss how aesthetic treatment of the lower face is increasingly being recognized as important, and demand has soared. This article uses a new HA filler which is specifically designed for the chin and jawline.

Study: Single center, adult patients. They used a grid system of horizontal and vertical lines to systematize the injection process and planning. 30 patients were enrolled (53% female, 47% male, average age 34). They used 4cc on average of filler. Complications were swelling and bruising.

Notes they made in their article: men have more angular jawlines. If a woman is angular it “diminishes perceived attractiveness.” They used a grid to plan. There were specific injection points in the chin and jawline used. They used 0.5-1.5cc in the chin itself, injecting down deep on the bone. The jawline and marionette lines were injected superficially with a cannula.

Findings? High rate of satisfaction.

My thoughts?

I get this was a promo piece for their new HA filler, VYC-25L. What I would say is that adding volume to this area is just good for almost everyone. The exact amounts and wheres will vary from person to person, but almost everyone needs some fine tuning here, especially as you age.

As always, if I can do this with fat, I love it. Fat transfer uses your own body fat as the filler, so you don’t need to redo it every 6 months. But if you aren’t going to surgery, I think dermal filler is a great alternative.