WHY I LOVE FAT It is liquid gold
I do tons of fat grafting to the face, and I LOVE IT. As you age you lose facial volume, and your skin quality becomes bad: large pores, cobblestoning, fine wrinkling. Even though you may be increasing around the belly, you are losing volume in your face.
In the office I do lots of fillers, the traditional “liquid facelift,” and they work well to reverse volume loss. But they are not as elegant as fat. I can’t feather them, inject them into the skin, place it all over the face, use nanofat and stem cells to improve fine etched lines and skin quality, and do the volumes I can do with fat. Fat is also a living substance, so what you get can last for years.
Fat has STEM CELLS, which improve the quality of the overlying skin. I was an early adopter, a follower and trainee of Dr. Coleman in NY and Dr. Khouri in Miami. I have been doing fat transfer to the face for over a decade now. My technique has evolved, and if anything, I am a bigger advocate for it now. Fat grafting achieves something nothing else- surgery, lasers, peels- can achieve.
Fat grafting is a huge part of my practice. There are no scars (I use a small needle for access). I see even, smooth fat survival. It improves the quality of the overlying skin, with patients asked by strangers “what skin care products do you use?” because their skin is radiant. Recently doctors have tried to brand fat grafting as something new. You see “Face BBL,” and articles heralding the “undetectable era” of plastic surgery, which has increased people’s interest in fat grafting.
A facelift or eyelid lift can tighten the skin, but it does not correct volume loss. The fullness of youth must be fixed when doing surgery, thus volume must be part of a successful rejuvenating surgery for the face and eye.
The other benefit of fat? *hint stem cells*
Not only is it using your own tissue to reconstruct you (and you get a little liposuction sculpting to boot), but it has stem cells. Stem cells are currently the fairy magic dust of plastic surgery. We don’t quite understand what happens when we transfer the fat with stem cells- how it does it and how to optimize it. But we do know fat has a rich store of stem cells. And we do know we see things we can’t explain just from the volume alone of the grafted fat– the area fills, but the skin looks better. This change is slow and subtle, but there.
I too was a skeptic, but I had a patient who I experienced the magic of fat transfer with first hand. She was a woman with tough acne scarring on her cheek. She had asymmetry of her cheek volume, so years ago I did fat transfer to try to even out the volumes of her cheek. My technique then was not as refined as now, but it worked. The amazing part was the change in her skin. I had the opportunity to work on her cheek again about 4 years after her initial fat transfer. Not only were the acne pits shallower and cosmetically improved, but her skin — which had been hard and leathery before– was now soft and stretchy. I can’t account for that change by volume alone. I attribute it to the stem cell effect. There are clear studies which show with histologic biopsies this stem cell effect. Nothing else does it.
People worry the fat may be lumpy or uneven. I do not see this. There are scientific studies which also support fat survival is consistent and even within a patient. Please see someone who does a lot of fat transfer.