What can you do to decrease pain when doing facial injections? Journal time!

Posted on June 16, 2021

Injections can hurt. Facial fillers like Juvederm and Restylane. Botox injections to reduce wrinkles. The benefits are great, but sometimes Ouch!

What can we do to reduce this pain?

What can the doctor do?

What can you, the patient, do?

Sadly, we can’t make it totally pain free, but these techniques can help.

My thoughts?
It’s funny- when I read this I do a ton of these things already. Small needles, switch needles, stress balls (pre Covid), icing, fabulous conversations (I love this part the best!), pinching the skin when I inject, going in at a 90 degree angle….

So what else should I add?  Lavender? Enya?