YES, you can do a non-surgical rhinoplasty.
The nose is a complex place, and to do nose surgery (rhinoplasty) should be done by a true specialist in rhinoplasty. But many just want their nose to look a little different- hide a bump, look straighter, lift the tip a bit. Can you do that without the whole surgical thing? Can you avoid the cost/recovery/etc but get a little cosmetic improvement? YES.
Enter dermal fillers.
As you age, your skin everywhere thins, but this is truly evident on the nose. So if you are wondering why it looks worse as you age, the comforter of skin covering your nose gets thinner. Combine that with aging (who hasn’t broken their nose yet?) and the other changes in the rest of your face where your fullness wanes, and the nose seemingly gets larger, droopier, and more crooked.
Filler is a great way to fix this. It isn’t truly fixing your nose. If it is crooked or has a small bump, it still will. But what we are doing is HIDING those things. And as with all things, adding volume tends to lift. So as your nasal tip droops with age, adding a little volume helps combat that.
I LOVE ADDING VOLUME TO THE NOSE. I have been doing this for years during my facial fat transfer procedures. And many patients love and comment on the nasal changes the most.
I think in this era of selfies and zooms, where we are forced to focus on the nose, this is an easy improvement.
- Filler type: All the brands have filler which can be used here.
- How often? Everyone varies, but it usually lasts 9 months or more. Some report up to 2 years.
- How much? The nose has tight skin, so there are limits to what you can do. One syringe (or part of a syringe)
- Risk? There is risk. The nose is vascular. Also the skin is tight, and if you inject too much, there is a risk of skin necrosis. In well trained hands these risks are small.