Got this news yesterday: Free. Covid-19. Testing. For. Santa. Clara. Residents.
There are more than 30 sites open across Santa Clara County. Find a clinic or community testing site and make an appointment. The link to the site for finding where/how to do is listed below. So should you get tested? Some of their advice:
On their site, they list people who should get tested
Who Should Get Tested? Anyone experiencing any of the COVID-19 symptoms above should get tested.
Anyone, whether or not they have symptoms, who has been exposed to someone who was confirmed to have COVID-19 should get tested right away.
The Public Health Department is also recommending testing for the following groups of people even if they do not have any symptoms:
Any front line or healthcare worker who regularly interacts with members of the public and cannot maintain social distancing at work should ideally get tested once a month.
This may include those who work in healthcare, homeless shelters, jails and other custodial settings, food banks, public safety/emergency response, food service, grocery, construction, delivery, janitorial, transit, or social work, among other jobs. This does not include those who are able to maintain social distancing while at work, such as essential workers who work in a back office.
Any person who works in a skilled nursing facility should ideally get tested every two weeks.