Biocorneum, a liquid silicone, and how it helps your scar be pretty

Posted on July 5, 2017

I want your scars to look pretty.  Particularly in larger scar surgeries (think tummy tucks or breast reductions and breast lifts), the less you see the scar, the better everything is.  There are some skin types which tend to scar more poorly (Asian skin, darker skin types, people with a history of hypertrophic or keloid scars).

This is a data sheet put out by the makers of biocorneum (so yes, take it with a grain of salt) which states 16 studies demonstrate why “biocorneum is the number 1 and only FDA cleared choice for initial scar management.”  I do not own stock in biocorneum / Kelo-cote.  I do not get kick backs.  I simply like products which have scientific studies to prove their claims.  And I simply want your scars to be pretty.


How does it work?

Split scar studies showed

So what do I think?

As I have said before, I like pretty scars, and this product has scientific studies backing it up.  It is not perfect.  Some of my patients don’t like to have to wait for it to dry.  If that is the case, I would recommend silicone sheets or tape.  But it has been shown to be more efficacious than some other products on the market like mederma (onion extract).  And for sure I like it better than Vitamin E.

Think of your healing scar like a sleeping baby.  You want to treat it kindly, be gentle, don’t irriate it.  That is what gives the best scar.