Scar treatment and Kelo-cote® (biocorneum if it has sunscreen) vs. other scar treatments

Posted on July 19, 2017

Kelo-cote® is liquid silicone. Silicone helps scars heal better.

I do not have stock in this treatment, and I do not care about brand names.  What I do care about is trying to use scientific comparisons to find the *best* ways to approach scars. I have other blogs about Kelo-cote®, and reference the studies supporting their efficacy. These studies were collated by the Kelo-cote® brand itself, but they are published studies in journals from Aesthetic Plastic Surgery to Dermatology journals, to the Burns journal.

In the Kelo-cote® literature, they have studies which support the following claims: (*to see the studies they site, please go to

My thoughts?

As always, the less you see the scar the better. I think all patients should be doing some kind of scar care, and I include scar treatments in most of my surgery packages. There are many options on the market, and not all are studied. I like that Kelo-cote® has some very good studies (which include histologic biopsies) showing its efficacy.

Be wary of some things “which you read on the internet.” If you have a normal progressing scar and you use some treatments like Vitamin E or steroids, you can weaken a normal scar, causing it to indent or widen. I have had patients who used laser treatments to help the scar, only to see it cause elevation of the scar or pigment issues.

Your doctor can help guide you.