I have been going to Breast Cancer Connection in Palo Alto for a decade as one of their expert speakers on their Thursday night series. When you are diagnosed with breast cancer it is overwhelming. You go from being a healthy, happy woman whose major worry was juggling life and what to make for dinner, to being a woman. with. cancer.
Many many studies have shown you will survive better with support. Stage for stage, women with good support systems in place do better. I know some women are private, some like large groups; some deal with adversity by exercising, others by art. So I thought I would list the BCC options here. They are wonderful. And all of it is free.
- Metastatic
- Caregivers and Couples
- Young Women
- Recovery & Renewal
- Newly Diagnosed or In treatment
- Meditations and Healing
- Mindfulness Meditation
- Healing and guided imagery
- Tai Chi
- Reike Energy Healing
- Writing through Cancer
- Exercise
- Life Coaching
- Buddy Program
- Counseling and Therapy
- Health Educators and library
- Medical appointment prep (a volunteer helps you prepare for upcoming medical visits- what questions to ask? what are your concerns?)
Of course there is the weekly Thursday night Q & A sessions, of which I have been a part. The Thursday night series rotates the type of doctor- oncologist, plastic surgeon, general surgeon, etc.