Can you turn that frown around with botox? journal time!

Posted on January 17, 2025

Botox blocks muscle movement. It is primarily used on the upper face- forehead, the 11 between the eyes, crows feet around the eyes, bunny lines on the nose. It can also be used on the lower face in very targeted areas: the neck platysmal bands, the fine lines around the mouth, the wrinkling of the chin, and the depressor of the mouth.

This is a journal article that looked at the anatomy of the depressor anguli oris, which forms the line that pulls the corner of the mouth down. Yes, the muscle that makes you look grumpy. The downturn to the mouth. The frown. You need to be careful when injecting here, as you don’t want to hit the other muscles in the area. Just the depressor anguli oris.

What was this study? This was in the August 2024 issue of the Aesthetic Surgery Journal. “Deciphering Depressor Anguli Oris for Lower Face Rejuvenation: A Prospective Ultrasound based investigation.” 

In this they look for the DAO anatomy. They looked at it using ultrasound on 41 patients. They looked at how to identify the muscle during exam, using the labiomandibular fold (LMF). They then injected Botox.


My thoughts?

Love it! Meghan Douglass RN and I are both trained in how to inject here. If you have a downturn to the lateral corners of your mouth, or the fold from the mouth to the jawline (the labiomandibular fold) is getting more pronounced, this for sure is a thing to try.