Dangers of the Brazilian Butt Lift: Discussion two

Posted on January 17, 2019

As you can get, the BBL Brazilian Butt Lift is a hot topic due to the dangers seen.

Our ASPS Society formed a task committee after deaths had been reported.  The dangers of BBL are being reported outside of medicine.  In February of 2018, the Journal of Forensic Sciences published a series of eight deaths seen by the Miami Dade Medical Examiner.  They stated,” We hope this series will raise awareness and inform the pathologist of the expected autopsy findings in a patient undergoing gluteal fat transfer and the probable mechanism of death being macroscopic pulmonary fat embolism.”

This commentary was Dr. Teitelbaum of Santa Monica.

Points in his discussion:

Overall his thought? Stay superficial, don’t go in the muscle, and the death rate should be zero.