How accurate is ChatGPT for breast augmentation questions? Journal time!

Posted on November 10, 2023

With AI everywhere, I thought this was an interesting article in the October 2023 Aesthetic Surgery Journal. What they did was ask ChatGPT a bunch of questions patients frequently ask about breast augmentation. They looked at the answers provided. They then had a panel of plastic surgeons review the answers and in addition a literature search of 2 large medical databases were done for accuracy, informativeness, and accessibility.

“Evaluating Chatbot Efficacy for Answering Frequently Asked Questions in Plastic Surgery: A ChatGPT case Study Focused on Breast Augmentation.”



They thought the answers were grammatically correct and had a lot of good information. They like that it tends not to use “medical jargon” so may be easier for patients to understand. It may allow patients to get more in depth information if they feel they didn’t get enough at their visit.

Issues with it?

It lacks personalization. There are individual patient factors which need to be considered, and it tended to give superficial answers. It had inconsistent appropriate and up to date responses, which raises concerns of reliability.  It doesn’t necessarily prioritize evidence based answers and reputable sources. Due to its random sampling, it is hard to know how often it is “right” And it would be great to add visual aids to ChatGPT.

My thoughts?

It is the future and will for sure be used by patients. I hope my website has so much information that my patients don’t need to go elsewhere 🙂 but I am sure they still will. Nothing beats meeting face to face with a plastic surgeon. There are nuances to all surgeries, risks, differences in skin quality, expectations. I walk my patients through the options with the pros and cons of each, the nuances of each. I do an exam, measurements, Vectra 3D imaging, and have you try on sizers. Nothing beats face to face meetings. But as AI improves, more education is always good, as long as it is accurate.