Doctors are always learning. As I was doing my CME recently (we Board Certified plastic surgeons need to recertify every 10 years), one of the questions was about the health ramifications of large volume liposuction.
Large volume liposuction is where you are removing liters of fat. The maximum we do in one sitting is 5 liters of fat. (Each liter of fat is about two pounds of tissue). As crazy as these numbers may sound, it is common for me to remove that amount.
The question on my test was “Does liposuction have other health benefits other than body contouring?” And the answer? YES.
- It improves insulin sensitivity
- It decreases peripheral plasma concentrations of glucose
- Decreases plasma levels of uric acid
- Improvement in major lipoprotein components of obesity associated with atherogenic dyslipidemia
- In one series of obese women, large volume liposuction caused a decrease in weight, BMI, and waist circumference.
These were published studies in the Hormone Metabolic Journal and Obesity Surgery Journal, with Level II and Level IV evidence.
So should you rush out and get liposuction for your health? Clearly the answer is no. But it is nice to see that liposuction is good for your health, not just your shape.