October begins: Breast Cancer Awareness month

Posted on October 4, 2011

Another October.  Another time to think about your breasts.  I am sure I hear about more breast related things since I am a plastic surgeon and did a breast fellowship.  But this year it feels like I am hearing more… this year I have had 2 younger patients be diagnosed with breast cancer, a friend find out they are BRCA positive (despite a really weak family history of breast cancer), and another friend with a strong family history but BRCA negative trying to decide if / when she should do prophylactic mastectomies.

Wow.  Heavy stuff. 

This is your reality check time.  If you are in your 40s or older, YOU NEED TO GET A MAMMOGRAM.  I don’t care if work is busy, you are traveling, it is hard to get in to see your doctor, or how many kids you have with soccer practices and girl scout meetings.  BREAST CANCER AFFECTS 1 in 8 WOMEN. 


More blogs to come.  For those interested, you can see my other posts at
