Promotion special rebate money back on BOTOX- can save up to $200!

Posted on February 2, 2012

Botox ladies, I have some new promotions for you.



1. Get your first treatment now thru April 30.  Get $50 off.

2. You will receive additional savings of $75 off the second treatment, which must be done 91-120 days after your first treatment.

3. Then you will get ANOTHER savings of $75 off your third treatment, which must be done 91-120 days after the second treatment.

So, total is $200 off for the year off your botox.  You must do the treatments 3-4 months apart (so won’t work for those who do botox more than 4 months apart.)

This rebate is INSTANT (no mail in coupons.  Hooray!).


**This will not be in addition to the normal special Botox Day on March 15.  It is part of the special- so on March 15, you will get $50 off 24 units/ one area, and $100 off 48 units/ two areas.

**You CAN print out a brilliant distinction coupon for those of you who have been faithful botox, latisse, and juvederm patients.  So log onto your brilliant distinction account and print out your coupon. You CAN combine the brilliant distinction coupon with the other offers!