Posted on May 27, 2010
Summertime! Woop! Woop! Woop!
California summer sun is rapidly approaching. This means sun protection for you and your kiddos. I will repeat some of the most common mistakes and advice with sunscreen.
- Apply 20 minutes BEFORE going into sun. If you are already at the beach, it is too late.
- Reapply every two hours
- Reapply every 45 minutes if in the water
- Throw out sunscreen over a year old (You know what I mean. That sunscreen which looks like some kind of vintage throwback to the 80s…)
What kind of sunscreen?
- SPF 30. Anything over SPF 30 (and likely over 15) is just them concentrating the product more because people tend to be stingy with how much they put on.
- I like the clear zinc products. Think white nose on little kids in the past, but they now make it so it is clear. Zinc is a mechanical blocker which blocks the UVA and UVB rays. Very effective, and safer for kids and pregnant mommies to be. (I carry these by skinceuticals and obagi)
Other thoughts:
- Wear it daily. Even if you are “going to work and I’m going to be inside all day…” you get a lot of exposure walking to your car, outside at lunch,etc. You live in Palo Alto. California. This is the land of sunshine.
- Clothes don’t always protect you. The finer the weave, particularly when wet, lowers the protection.
- For kids, come on- let’s have a little confessional here- you are NOT getting it all over them, in every nook and cranny, and reapplying after they get out of the water. So, RASH GUARD SPF swim SHIRT, and a hat if you can swing it. We see lots of skin cancers in the scalp.
- And if you are protecting your kids, how can you wear a teeny bikini? What kind of example are you setting? So I strongly believe in swim shirts and hats for mommies and daddies too.
- Put a bottle everywhere. At the front door. In the car. In your purse. In your diaper bag.
Now go out and smell the barbeque…. Feel the watermelon dripping off your fingers…