BAD NEWS: Stanford Hospital is doing a lot of work, so Welch Road may become a traffic mess and traffic will only go one way, leading from Quarry Road. MY OFFICE WILL HAVE NO ENTRANCE OFF WELCH ROAD.
GOOD NEWS: We have another new fantastic entrance to get to my office so you can avoid the whole Welch road thing! My office address, mailing address, and place you need to go is still 750 Welch Road, BUT TO PARK IN THE PARKING LOT YOU NEED TO ACCESS IT VIA VINEYARD LANE. Vineyard Lane is located off Quarry Road or Sand Hill Road. It is the little street that goes behind Nordstroms at Stanford Mall.
See map below.
If you are google mapping it to get directions, you can click on the link below. Use “vineyard lane, palo alto” to map it, not 750 welch road. Sorry for the inconvenience, but we little doctors have no control over Stanford Hospital and their huge project. We are lucky that my office backs up to another road, so we can avoid it.